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How long can I check out a laptop computer?

679 views   |   Last updated on Aug 04, 2023    borrowing


In most cases, you can check out a laptop for seven days at the Circulation Desk.  If you need a laptop for longer than seven days, you will need to bring it back on the due date and you can check out a new one at the same time, if one is available.

However, there are special circumstances under which you can check out a laptop for an extended period, as much as a month or even an entire semester.  These circumstances include needing to have your own device repaired or replaced, and course requirements that your device cannot meet.  The library's laptops are intended to be a temporary replacement for your own device, not something you can use for your entire Meredith career.  Contact the library to explain your need for an extended laptop checkout, and we will try to accommodate you.  You can fill out our long-term laptop request form to start the process. Watch this video to see how it works.

You can also check out an iPad from the Media Services Desk, if you would prefer a tablet computer.  As with laptops, they can be checked out for seven days.